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Veterans Business Outreach Center (VBOC) Program

The Office of Veterans Business Development’s mission is to maximize the availability, applicability, and usability of all administration small business programs for Veterans, Service-Disabled Veterans, Reserve Component Members, and their Dependents or Survivors.
The Office of Veterans Business Development’s (OVBD) mission is to maximize the availability, applicability and usability of small business programs for Veterans, Service-Disabled Veterans, Reserve Component Members, and their dependents or survivors. OVBD is SBA’s liaison with the veterans business community; provides policy analysis and reporting; and is as an Ombudsman for veteran entrepreneurs. OVBD has a number of programs and services to assist aspiring and existing veteran entrepreneurs such as training, counseling and mentorship, and oversight of Federal procurement programs for Veteran-Owned and Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Businesses.
America’s SBDCs proudly serve America’s veterans. We are proud of the great work that SBDCs across the nation do to serve those who served. And we are especially proud of the many SBDC clients and business advisers who are veterans of our country’s Armed Forces.
Veteran-owned businesses are a crucial part of our nation’s economy: 99.9 percent of all veteran-owned businesses are small businesses; they employ more than five million people; and they account for annual payrolls of $195 billion. America’s SBDCs provide free business consulting and at-cost training to thousands of veterans and members of our nation’s Armed Forces who are transitioning out of military service each year.