Mutiny Island Vodka, LLC/ Twin City Island Spirits, LLC

Mutiny Island Vodka, LLC/ Twin City Island Spirits, LLC a local vodka distillery, was able to pivot its business strategy to reduce the economic impact due to COVID-19. This was achieved through its innovative use of the by-products from its vodka production. The micro-distillery began producing hand sanitizer utilizing their equipment, materials, and other resources. As a result, the company was able to help the community with achieving and increasing safety measures. When COVID-19 begins to dissipate, the company will continue to keep this product line and incorporate it into its export initiatives. VI SBDC counselors are working with the client to set up strategic meetings that will allow Mutiny Island Vodka to expand into the United States and to export to the British Virgin Islands and the lower Caribbean. The project will create additional tax revenue from sales for the company and Territory The project will create additional tax revenue from sales.

STUDIO STX, Interactive Selfie Studio
Owner: Raven Forrester
“The St Croix SBDC greatly helped me with starting and opening my business in late-2019 and has assisted me throughout the tough months this year. With the COVID-19 pandemic, I’ve had to temporarily close twice. During that time at home, my SBDC Counselor guided me through applying for aid, registering and certifying as a WOSB, and other ways to strengthen my business (my HUBZone certification is in progress). The weekly webinars and other resources have helped me gain knowledge to further build my business.

ALVIN’S HOT SAUCES, Caribbean Hot Sauces
Owner: Alvin Franklin
“As a small business exporter, COVID19 forced us to retool our manufacturing model. We partnered with the Small Business Development Center (SBDC) in St. Croix for export assistance. After evaluating several funding options, the SBDC helped identify a financial package that will drive our global development and marketing plan. I’m pleased to say that we’re already gaining national notoriety with our recent appearance on Netflix’s “Restaurants on the Edge” television series.”

506 SCENTS & CO, Hand Poured Candles & Gifts
Owner: Constancia Hodge
“The St. Croix Small Business Development Center is THE go-to place for business assistance, particularly amidst our present state of health emergency. At the critical time when I needed additional resources to keep my business afloat, the SBDC assisted with an SBA loan. Working on and off the phone with the Business Counselor, my EIDL application was submitted, reviewed, approved and accepted in less than eight hours. I’m so thankful for their timely assistance and recommend all small business owners in the
Territory call or visit their local SBDC Office!”
PrisCo Consulting USVI, Marketing, Public Relations & Events Consultant
Owner: Priscilla Lynn
“In March 2020, after 31 years serving clients in St. Thomas/St. John, my marketing consulting business was suddenly plunged into a financial abyss as the clients I had been working with either initiated a temporary hiatus and/or ceased all business operations permanently.” “In June, the VI SBDC approached PrisCo Consulting USVI for an opportunity to become an Independent Contractor, through CARES Act funding received, to provide marketing consulting services to OVID-impacted clients/businesses in the Territory. Subsequent, I am currently working with over a dozen VI SBDC business clients in helping them to transition their business.” “I am pleased to share the myriad of, “no-fee services”, that the VI SBDC has available to any business owner and/or manager along the way and continue to provide COVID related marketing and consulting services to the VI SBDC clientele.”
Working World, LLC
Owner: Hughley Prince
Through SBA and the Virgin Islands SBDC Covid19 direct assistance, Working World, LLC has been able to continue the process of preparedness in our Adult Educational Training Center which places emphasis on Windows software methods, Adult Literacy, and additional training methods, relative to job placement. Working World, LLC is also an employment agency in the U.S. Virgin Islands. Webinars through SBA and the Virgin Islands SBDC gave our company clear direction on how to receive funding to assist the community at large.